The 7 Day Dukan Diet Plan
The 7 Day Dukan Diet Plan

The 7 Day Dukan Diet Plan

The 7 day Dukan diet plan is a proven, highly effective way to lose weight quickly and safely. This diet focuses on a number of key areas, including food and water consumption. This plan will allow you to eat smaller meals throughout the day, and to snack on allowed foods whenever you need to. It also promotes a healthy lifestyle, allowing you to drink at least 2 -3 litres of liquid per day. Drinking this much liquid will help you enjoy your meals more and resist cravings.

The Dukan diet is popular for its strict approach to dieting, although it ascertains successful fast and sustained weight loss testimonies.In this article, we shall bring to your awareness all necessary information on this diet. In fact, there are more than one types of Dukan diet plan.

Stabilisation phase

The Stabilisation phase of the 7 day Dukan diet plan is one of the most difficult phases. This phase requires the dieter to continue to eat as he did during the Attack phase, but with the addition of three tablespoons of oat bran per day and 20 minutes of physical activity. This phase requires careful planning of your meals. You should focus on nutritional value of foods.

The Stabilisation phase of the 7 day Dukan diet plan is the most important phase, as it will ensure the best weight loss results. You can eat anything you want in this phase of the diet, so long as you adhere to three simple rules. These rules include taking the stairs instead of lifts, exercising for at least 20 minutes a day, and drinking 1.5 litres of water a day.

What can you eat for lunch on the Dukan diet?
How much weight can you lose on the Dukan diet in a week?

Attack phase

The Attack phase of the 7 day Dukan diet plan consists of eating exclusively lean proteins for a minimum of two days. This phase also allows you to consume one teaspoon of oil on a daily basis. The next phase is known as the Cruise phase. This phase continues the attack phase’s calorie restriction, but adds specific vegetables. These vegetables include cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, mushrooms, and onions. You also may add one or two servings of oat bran to your diet. This phase will last anywhere from one to seven days.

The Attack phase of the 7 Day Dukan diet plan is a relatively short phase that will help you lose between 700 and 800 grams of weight in a week. During this phase, you’ll be able to eat unlimited amounts of lean protein, while limiting dairy and starchy foods. You’ll also need to drink six to eight glasses of water each day. Depending on your goals, you may have to repeat this phase multiple times.


The second phase of the Dukan diet plan is the stabilisation phase, where you can eat whatever you want. This phase of the Dukan diet plan is the hardest, but it will also help you maintain your ideal weight. You can enjoy all types of foods and drink, but you should stick to the nutritional pillars.

During the stabilisation phase, you can consume up to 1 teaspoon of oil (five milliliters) in salad dressings or for greasing pans. In this phase, you can still eat lean meat, fish, and vegetables, but you cannot consume too much. You can also eat small amounts of lemon juice and oil, as well as pickles and artificial sweeteners. In addition, you can eat unlimited amounts of shirataki noodles, which are low-carb noodles. You can also consume plenty of non-starchy vegetables, such as zucchini.

Consolidation phase

The Consolidation Phase of the 7 day Dukan Diet plan involves eating foods that you usually avoid. However, this phase allows you to enjoy a celebration meal once a week or two. These celebration meals can be breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You can eat whatever you like as long as it’s not too rich. You can even have a glass of wine with your meal.

This phase is crucial for maintaining the weight loss you’ve achieved in the first two phases of the Dukan Diet. This is because the body is vulnerable during the consolidation phase, and tends to gain the weight it lost quickly. Fortunately, the Dukan Diet aims to minimize this rebound effect by allowing you to eat previously forbidden foods in small amounts. During the first part of this phase, you can have one award meal a week. The second phase will feature 2 award meals.

The 7 Day Dukan Diet Plan
The 7 Day Dukan Diet Plan

Phase 4

The first phase of the Dukan diet plan is known as stabilisation. During this phase, you can eat as much as you like, as long as you follow three simple rules. You also need to do moderate exercise and consume 1.5 litres of water each day. These rules will help you to keep your weight under control.

During the Cruise Phase, you will be eating lean protein for a few days a week, but you can add a serving of vegetables to your diet on one or two days a week. You can also have a celebration meal twice a week, but you must follow a strict timeline for both days of the week.

The Dukan diet plan is a superb diet program for weight loss. It involves a 7-day dieting plan that allows dieters to shed off some excess fat after which they are automatically switched over to the maintenance phase. The diet factually works and hence, it is recommended that you give it a try once. You will surely not be disappointed.


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